Learn traditional hot lime mortar skills in a practical hands-on session.
Friday 13th or Saturday 14th October, 9.30am until 3pm
Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy has entered the consolidation phase. As part of this there are miles of stone and brick work which needs to be lime pointed to help ensure the future of the archaeology site. Join us in getting the site ready for its official public opening early 2018!
These 1 day workshops will include an introduction to lime and its use in buildings from the Roman era to the present day and its use in the historic building of Mellor Mill. Expert Mark Womersley will show you how to mix hot lime mortars and you will have the chance to point the remains of Mellor Mill with your new-found skills.
Adults Only 16 years +
Sensible footwear required
Outdoor and waterproof clothing required
All other safety equipment provided
Refreshments and lunch included.
Places are limited on the Lime Mortar Heritage Skills Day so please pre-book your FREE place as soon as possible if you would like to attend. If you book a place but then need to cancel please cancel your place on Eventbrite as soon as possible so we can offer your place to someone on the waiting list. Book Text for link">here.