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Photograph of Tollgate Cottage close to ruin in 1955 at Lock 10


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Caption Photograph of Tollgate Cottage close to ruin in 1955 at Lock 10
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Item Details

Type no 'type' tags
Title Photograph of Tollgate Cottage close to ruin in 1955 at Lock 10
Description Alongside Lock 10 stands Tollgate Cottage. You'd never realise by looking at it today but this delightful building was close to ruin in 1955. It was saved and is now a listed building. The windows were designed so that there was a view in both directions along the road, so that the approaching traffic could be seen easily.
Date From 1 Jan 1955 to 31 Dec 1955
Current Owner Marple Local History Society
Location no 'location' tags
Other Tags marple lockslock 10

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